Friday, July 10, 2009

My son is making me crazy

For those of you who do not yet have children let me assure you that despite what people say the age of 3 is way worse than 2. More attitude, more back talk, more intelligent. I'm screwed.

Just so you know.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do you remember the time?

So, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died today. Farrah was a bit before my time...but Michael has been such a big part of life for me, it's hard to believe that he is gone. I remember, when I was 6 years old I watched Motown 25: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow on TV at my parent's friends house. They had gone out to dinner, and I was watching with their son Kendall. I was awestruck by the performance I saw that night, the debut of the moonwalk. I tried to do that damn dance move all freaking night. My 6 year old legs weren't digging it, but I think from that moment on I was always singing and dancing around my house. He was a legend, and icon, and despite what he turned in to in his later years he truely does deserve to be remembered as such.

So thank you for the memories Mr. Jackson, you will be missed.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fitting In

I heard recently that what people want more then anything is to be wanted and accepted. It got me thinking very seriously about myself, and my life in general. I guess it has left me with a major question, and that is ....why?

Frequently I have heard people say, and in fact have said myself, that I don't care what people say about me. That what other people think is insignificant. And there are times that I even fool myself into believing that is the truth. But in reality, we all care what people think about us. If I didn't care, then why does it hurt my feelings so much that someone I used to be friendly with at work can't stand me now, and I have no explanation. She doesn't make eye contact, or say hello...most of the time she acts like I don't exist, unless she is complaining about me. I pretend that it doesn't bother me, and that I don't care, but in reality, it annoys the hell out of me.

Our whole lives are spent trying to be a part of something, the in crowd, even the out crowd has some level of conformity. No one wants to be that one lone person that everyone points at. And why? What purpose does fitting in to other people's expectations of who we should be have? I wonder how many of us are truly honestly independent enough to stand up for what we think, what we feel, what we want, even if it is not the status quo? Even our leaders conform to what their various political parties think about certain issues.

Where is the originality and the independence that makes all of us who we are? Why should we care what other people think, when at the end of the day, all that really matters is what we think about ourselves?

Just something to think about....
Have a great day!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Catching up.

So, it's been a while since I have posted anything. Not because I had nothing to share, but because I have been way to tired. I am always tired these days, which sucks. Tired, hungry and moody. And before I go any further let me set the record straight, no, I am not pregnant. I am going to the dr for a physical tomorrow, just to check everything out.

It's all star break so Damien is off until Thursday! This kind of time off is unheard of around here, so I am very excited. Alex will love getting to spend little extra time with Daddy, and maybe I can get him to do a little house cleaning for me, which would be nice.

Speaking of Alex, seriously, I am not sure that there is a funnier child anywhere. He's become a bit obsessed with our new President. Every time the dogs start barking at something outside, he says"oh, is Barack Obama here?" If the phone rings he says "Mom, is that Barack Obama?" I am still not exactly sure why my son things the Pres and I are BFF, but it cracks me up. He got to go to work with Daddy yesterday, and he loved that. He couldn't talk about anything else all day. He got to hang out with the players and even got to shoot a puck at the goalie. I think for him that was better then Christmas. Apparently, I have a future hockey player on my hands, I guess there was no way around that.

All things considered, it's been a decent couple of weeks. I guess I will have more to report post physical.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saying Goodbye.

Soon, I am losing a friend. She has seen me at my very worst, and loved me anyway. She was non judgemental and affectionate. She always accepted me for what I was, comforted me when I was sad, or angry. She was there when I made difficult decisions that were a struggle to live with, unfailingly at my side. To some she may only have been a dog, but for me, she was and is still the best friend I have ever had.

Goodbye my Cookie pup, go be in peace. You shall always be remembered fondly, and will always have a place in my heart that will be untouched.